What if Healing Your Sexuality Could Heal the World?

What if healing your sexuality could heal the world?

Currently, our world is very sexually sick.

Shame, repression, guilt & fear permeate our relationship to sexuality as we swing somewhere along the pendulum between repressive Puritanical roots & the brazen industries of porn & “sex sells.”

It’s simultaneously hush-hushed & flaunted, stretching us between extremes that can leave us confused, overwhelmed, & lost, not having a clue as to what our AUTHENTIC expression of sexuality is… What it means to US.

Through the rape of our planet & our women; sex addiction; using sex to substantiate our self-worth; & our lack of connection to EMPOWERED CHOICE as to IF AND WHEN we CHOOSE to create life; we have lost our way as a species to our connection to the SACREDNESS of our sexuality.

Our sexuality is our GOD/CREATOR-SELF.

We literally have the power to create NEW LIFE with it… Take a moment to think about that!!!

…And so. much. MORE.

Our sexuality lives in our sacral chakra, along with our creativity & emotions. This is the center from which we are BIRTHED into EXISTENCE.

If we are birthing & imprinting much of what we create, from our children, to our businesses, to our creative projects, from a place of shame, disconnection, disempowerment, & repression around our SACRED SEXUAL ESSENCE, then what kind of world are we birthing into existence?

How do you think we’ve gotten here?

When we restore our connection to our sexuality to one of loving reverence, respect, & empowerment, we will birth a whole new world into being.

By healing the SEED of our creation, we heal the FRUITS of our creation.