A key part of your journey of sexual mastery

Why do you dress like that if you're helping men overcome sexual struggles?

I've been asked this by several men, one who was quite angry, and herein lies a powerful teaching:

Your ability to stay focused in the face of arousal (both in and out of the bedroom) is a *key* part of your journey of sexual mastery.

You’ll be faced with beautiful, powerful women your whole life, and as a man, it’s YOUR job to learn to harness the fire of your arousal, NOT her job to dim her expression to prevent your distraction and make your life easier.

Expecting women to tailor themselves to your process is a grave disservice to your evolution.

The oppression of women, female sexuality and all things wild has rendered the masculine ill-adept at navigating the realms of the feminine with integrity because it has robbed much of the world of the opportunity to interface with true feminine power.

The feminine is NOT weak, passive and complacent. By pushing Her into this space of false yin, we've inevitably diluted the masculine to false yang, because the 2 are inextricably intertwined.

Monks who hide out in caves and never face the intensity of their sexual energy interacting with the presence of a woman have not truly done the work. If you can only channel it in the absence of the feminine it doesn't count!

It is not possible to achieve spiritual liberation while avoiding sexuality! This is a whole topic of its own for later.

A true mark of sexual mastery is a man who is able to channel his energy in a healthy way in the presence of a sexually empowered woman, without needing to repress or act on his attraction.

To let it flow & nourish him, to appreciate her radiance, WITHOUT needing to take anything from her or ask her to self censor.

Our society has long imposed modesty on women, asking ridiculous questions like "what was she wearing?" when a woman is violated, as if SHE asked for it and the man just fell in line.

If you can listen to my message without getting distracted/frustrated by my expression or resenting/objectifying me, you’re well on your way to reclaiming true masculinity, which is not threatened by Shakti but uplifted by Her.