Our sexuality is our SUPERPOWER

When we feel ashamed of sexuality, we’re actually ashamed of our very own existence.

Sex is the SEED OF OUR CREATION (literally).

It is the source from which we CAME (no pun intended).

It is our origin, our home, the creative life-force that birthed our existence into being in these bodies.

How AMAZING that we are CREATED through ORGASM?

What a gorgeous love-story our creation is!

Our sexual energy is also our CREATIVE energy, our VITALITY, the qi/life-force that pulsates through our bodies!

When we carry shame around our sexuality, at its core, we are carrying shame around the source of our existence.

And when we are ashamed of ourselves, we do not THRIVE at our full capacity.

I do not think it’s by accident that we’ve been shamed for our sexuality by religion and other establishments for thousands of years.

Sexual disempowerment renders complacency.

Sexually empowered people are a force to be reckoned with, difficult to control.

We acknowledge this truth in the area of animal domestication.

What is the first thing we do to force animals into submission?

We castrate them, diminishing their wildness, their rebellious power.

Our sexuality is our SUPERPOWER, our CREATOR-SELF.

If we can create LIFE with this sacred essence, WHAT ELSE can we do with it!? Oh yeah, and don’t be fooled by the myth that we don’t have CHOICE as to WHEN and IF we create life, without the help of some medical device or contraceptive.

We ABSOLUTELY hold the power within to determine the course of our lives in this way (more on this later).

This is one of the most IMPORTANT times to be cultivating DEEP INTIMACY with our own SEXUAL POWER.

To fully come home to ourselves, to hone the infinite capabilities of our original essence, our creative divinity.

Harnessing our sexual essence not only EMPOWERS us, it also BOOSTS OUR IMMUNITY and VITALITY!