What might it be like to treat Earth as a lover, rather than a mother?

What might it be like to treat Earth as a lover, rather than a mother?

If rather than acting like dependent, entitled, spoiled children and endlessly taking from her, expecting her to love and give unconditionally, we recognized we needed to court, respect, revere, care for, and give back to her in order for us to keep us around…?

(And honestly, let’s stop raising children to be this way and to offer this same respect to our mothers!)

How then, might that change the way we live?

If we nurtured our planet as we care for our lovers, families, and homes?

What would it be like to truly come into sacred union with her?

Would YOU stay with someone who treated you in the way you treat our earth?

Most of us consider reciprocity, receptivity, and gratitude to be essential elements of a thriving relationship.

How many of us have actually given back to Pachamama as much as she’s given to us? And how much of our trash and baggage have we unloaded on her, rather than being accountable for working through our own mess?

Humanity is in a RELATIONSHIP with her… A toxic one in which she is frequently raped, pillaged, ignored, used, abused, taken for granted, and utterly dishonored, which is the same story of how women have been treated for thousands of years.

Can you imagine treating someone in your life like this? Or staying with someone who treats you in this way?

This DOES NOT have to be our role as humans. We are NOT innately parasites.

In the same way that we can mutually flourish and blossom in our relationships with people, we can use our intelligence and influence as a keystone species to powerfully NOURISH and HARMONIZE with our planet, leaving her far better than we found her.

Such is the nature of permaculture, where we participate as loving, conscious co-creators, artists, and healers, with the awareness of our oneness with our beloved planet and each other, and create healthy, communal systems that support many facets of life, not just our own.

This is the time to heal our relationship with the Divine Feminine on all fronts… Honoring our planet and bodies as temples, listening to our intuition, softening our egos in the name of wholeness.

If we don’t step into the right relationship with Gaia immediately, she’s going to dump our sorry asses and move on without us, stronger than before.

Is this the story we want to be written out of? Or can we pull it together to bring new color and aliveness to the burning pages of this toxic world?

How does YOUR life need to change in order to start LISTENING to her? To take only what you need, and give her what she needs? To give your “waste” as nourishment, rather than throwing it “away?” To show up for her like you would a sick relative, selflessly offering your generosity and service with deep presence and unconditional love?

You don’t need to have land to do this. There are a million excuses not to make the changes and far more reasons to step it up.

She is already showing us how resilient and self-healing she is when we mellow out and tuck away… Imagine what she can do with our help!

Grow food indoors or out; help in a community garden; volunteer with and donate to one of the thousands of epic communities or organizations making change; compost; make your own nut milk, sauces, etc. to cut down on packaging; bike instead of drive; give your moon blood, pee and poop back to the earth instead of into clean water (humanure is amazing!); cut disposables out of your life as much as possible; vote with your dollar by supporting organic, local, ethical, sustainable companies; spend time in nature attuning to her rhythms!

Watch the documentary “Inhabit” for free if you need more inspiration and ideas. It’s amazing what you can do in urban areas!

Every choice you make matters! There are billions of us making hundreds of choices each day! Make the effort to do your part, even if it’s “inconvenient.” A dying planet is far more inconvenient… She can live without us, but we cannot live without her

We are past the point of sustainability. We need REGENERATION. Aligning our rhythms with the earth is nourishing, revitalizing, fulfilling, and FUN.

So grateful for our dream guarantee that we’ve been growing food, cultivating mushrooms, building a greenhouse and garden beds, and terracing the side of the mountain.

Now is the time to form a community around shared purpose and regeneration. Teamwork makes the dreamwork.

Thank you, Gaia, for being such an incredible mother, lover, teacher, home, and masterpiece. I’m so grateful for your nourishment, resilience, beauty, and poetic reflections that teach us how to live. Thank you for this powerful, reflective time. We are listening. We are ready to change our ways, complete the nutrient cycles, live in gratitude and reciprocity, and cherish you with integrity and honor.

Every day is Earth Day, not just today.