Gold Is Rarely Found On The Roads Most Traveled

Comfort, convenience, and complacency cloud our awareness of the erotic; not just in relationship, but in all of life.

They suffocate our zest for existence, our polarity in relationship and ultimately dim that spark that makes us feel ALIVE.

They hold us back from pushing our edges and dropping into deep presence to fully receive each experience, leaving us jaded and blind to the magic woven into each moment.

Taking life's blessings for granted causes us to slump into slouchy postures and operate on auto-pilot, allowing stagnation, and monotony.

Curiosity, creativity, and cherishing open us to the childlike wonder and spontaneity of the present, breathing new life into each experience.

They are the keys to being passionately in love with your lover and your life, during the peaks, the valleys and the seemingly mundane.

The erotic is always available to us. It's something we open to, not chase, yet complacency renders us oblivious to the life-force that is always coursing through our veins. Can you taste the spark in each moment?

Has quarantine created a disenchanting closed-system loop in your relationship or any area of your life? Has routine and limitation become stale?

Limitation is a blessing in disguise that requires us to think outside the box. It can be inspiring and invigorating if we engage it with curiosity.

There is more than meets the eye to everything in existence. Everything is laced with infinite multiplicities of story, perspective and meaning, depending on which window you're looking through.

Push your edges to ask "what DON'T I know about this moment or this person?" rather than resting in the confidence of what you think you know. Activate new neural pathways beyond the roads most frequently traveled. Venture into the wildness of the vast unknown.

Gold is rarely found on the roads most traveled.

Your lover is an infinite being containing endless mysteries to be explored and adored. How deep will you choose to go?