What Does It Mean To Be SEXY?

What Does It Mean To Be SEXY?

Sexy is about how you FEEL in your skin,

How you cherish the being that lives within.

It can’t be defined by society’s standards,

Only expressed through personal candor.

Sexy is your radiance when you feel ALIVE

Not a superficial act that can be contrived.

Sexy’s the way your soul shines through your eyes,

The caverns of depth that live inside.

The way you unleash your truest essence,

The quality of your unwavering presence.

Sexy is the kindness that pours from your heart,

The way your light pierces through the dark.

Sexy is about the way you listen

To the whispering wisdom of your intuition.

Your daringness to face your own shadow,

Your humility and desire to grow.

It’s your compassion and generosity

That fuel your luminosity.

Your laughter finding the silver lining,

Choosing gratitude over whining.

Sexy is the way you do your thing,

Dancing to the rhythm of your own heartbeat.

It’s the way you live from a place of love,

And hold your integrity when push comes to shove.

© Sureya Leonara

📸 @lumynphotography