Let Your Body Be Your Guide

Ever wasted time on a relationship or project that you knew deep inside wasn't going to work?

Your body was trying to tell you that you shouldn't pursue it, but the mind fabricated reasons why you should do it anyway.

Sometimes it's more comfortable to rationalize why what you're already doing is the better option in a difficult situation.

This strategy can work short-term to avoid conflict, but later on, you’ll realize your body was right all along and that it wasn’t wise to ignore the signs.

You say, “I knew it,” but what if next time you could say “I feel it, I know it”...?

For me personally, my body is my compass, my oracle, my temple. It’s the pathway to my truth and my truth has never led me astray.

My body feels things far before my logical mind can catch up. It often speaks in a language that can’t be rationalized, and doesn’t need to be.

The body is the map to the unconscious; it remembers and knows what the conscious mind cannot. It lives in a realm of feeling, not thinking; of intuition, not logic.

It offers a doorway to the depths of my soul and a guidance so true, unwavering and impossible to dissuade.

It's been a challenging and rewarding process to learn how to trust what I feel, especially in a culture that values logic over the felt-sense and personal experience.

I have been on a 15+ year journey with my body through chronic illness that has revealed to me the divine intelligence of the body, its role as a messenger, and its ability to guide me into alignment with truth.

This journey is what brought me into the work I do in the world today.

It is the channel for truth and wisdom that moves through me and has transformed my own life and thousands of others.

Through this journey, I have learned to trust my body above all else.

The mind is an excellent tool for strategizing in response to my body’s message, but my body guides the way.