The Obsession With Light

Favoring the light and demonizing darkness has demonized the feminine.

It has demonized the yin, black side of the coin; the unconscious; the body; sexuality; mystery; nature; and even people of color.

The obsession with light, transcendence and perfection has damned the body, earth and immanence as “less than,” creating a severe imbalance and irreverence for all things feminine. It’s created a culture of spiritual bypass, environmental degradation, sweatshops, perfectionism, technocracy, distorted masculinity, and disconnection.

Darkness is the wombic void from which all life is birthed, the black fertile soil from which all life grows.

While some view darkness as the lack of information (light), her language is often misunderstood and therefore dismissed. It is that of the deeper, intuitive, inexplicable realms, impossible to define and confine through the lenses of rationality and logic.

She is the mystery and the realm of the “unseen” to our physical eyes, but which we can “see” and feel with our third eye, the felt-sense of our bodies, our deep inner knowing (ever wonder why we close our eyes to meditate?).

Darkness is the muddy, bloody, life-giving realms of the Chthonic, the vast underworld of ancient roots and unfathomable oceans, churning death into new life in her circular dance of endless creativity.

She is the vast blackness of outer space who simmers and swirls stardust into primordial cosmic soup to birth galaxies from her cauldron of infinite depth and potential.

She is the ferocity that both nurtures and humbles us back to our roots, the substance of our divinity, the temple that houses our spirits.

The body and sexuality are what make life possible and perpetuate its existence. They are pathways to awakening, not obstructions to it.

The unconscious is that which we aren’t aware of with our conscious mind, and banishing and repressing it has only led to a festering of wounds, disconnection from the whole, shame and ignorance.

Darkness beckons us to look deep beneath the surface and superficialities to know ourselves in ways we have avoided. She’s the well of endless possibility and potential, the chrysalis of metamorphosis.

Have you not discovered sides of yourself and a power within that you never knew existed through the initiations of darkness? Is the “dark night of soul” not the catalyst for so many change-maker’s discovery of purpose?

I know it was mine. And here we are, collectively, in another. What hidden gems is Lady Dark daring us to dig deep enough to discover that could change the course of humanity?