Unifying Opposites

There’s a high that comes from arguing our point to someone and a high that comes from confirmation bias.

Both are fleeting and polarizing; neither are purposeful in creating solutions.

What’s our intention behind what we’re expressing?

Does the way we express guide us towards truth, the unifying of opposites and the creation of a more harmonious world; or is it feeding ego, divisiveness and cheap highs?

While the “other side” can be deeply triggering, taking responsibility for our own triggers and cultivating the capacity to hold high amounts of sensation is necessary to transmute and mobilize, rather than spinning out into denial or despair.

Having the courage to interface with the “other” from a grounded, open, heart-centered place can offer a reflection that supports us in refining our awareness through illuminating our weaknesses & blindspots, calling us higher into our truth & integrity.

Conflict, chaos & catastrophe can rouse us from our slumber, activating our dormant potential & potency; catalyze us into our fullest expression of purpose; and bring us back to what’s truly important.

When we cast others out by categorizing them based upon limited information, we lose the opportunity for growth and connection. We lose sight of one another’s humanity and fall prey to the illusion of separateness.

It’s our responsibility to see through the illusion of “other” & live in reverence to the reflection of ourselves and the unique facet of the whole that each human represents.

What often appear as separate opposing forces are 2 sides of the same coin and can harmonize beautifully when we understand how they can work together, rather than against each other.

Life can’t be created without both masculine and feminine. Life can’t sustain without death. The lotus can’t blossom without the fertile darkness of the underworld.

When we awaken from the dream of duality & find equal purpose within and gratitude for both life & death, darkness and light, our truth vs “their” truth, we discover a deep inner peace like the profound stillness of the ocean beneath the thrashing waves on the surface.