Scarcity is a Distrust in the Feminine

Scarcity is a distrust in the feminine, an unwillingness to surrender to the mysterious possibilities that our ego/mind can't conceive of. Where does scarcity show up in your life in ways you may not even recognize  

Perhaps in the realms of money, time, energy, sex or opportunity?

Is there sometimes an energy of "gotta get it where I can," even if it doesn't feel totally in alignment or integrity?

This is the energy of the juvenile masculine that currently runs the world & many of our lives. A feeling of not enoughness that needs to penetrate every open space & make it “ours."

At its core is an unwillingness to loosen our grip; an obsession with control, progress, predictability & safety; a distrust in the way of the feminine & unwillingness to dance with her, allowing our lives to mirror the pulse of yin & yang with each breath.

When we are out of touch with the feminine, depth, feeling, intuition & a profound sense of interconnectedness & immanent divinity, our actions are spawned from & perpetuate disconnection.

How might life shift if you were to flirt with the idea that there's PLENTY of time, energy, money, sex & opportunity?

By saying no to situations that don't feel aligned, you're actually refining your yes & creating MORE space for it to blossom.  

When I recognize a grasping energy within myself, an anxious feeling that I have to take each opportunity, fill downtime with more doing, or am living from a place of "needing to catch up," it's a signal that I'm not in trust.

I'm living in the illusion that I'm actually in control & that if I don't hop on every opportunity as it arises, whether it's a fuck yes or not, I'll miss my chance.

But when I catch this tendency & only put energy towards what I feel from my feminine intuition is in alignment, I find my perception of scarcity was an illusion, & more abundance, in all of its forms, flows into my life.

If we’re always doing & projecting, there’s no space to RECEIVE. Receptivity requires spaciousness, which doesn't exist when we compulsively fill space with our own attempts to "make it happen," rather than letting Her work Her magic.

So just for today, can you play with softening into surrender so She can reveal her magic to you..?