Don't be so focused on the destination that you miss the journey

Don't be so focused on the destination that you miss the journey.

Enlightenment is not a destination. Mastery is not a destination. Self-love is not a destination. Health is not a destination. A fulfilling relationship is not a destination. Success is not a destination.

These are all JOURNEYS that require maintenance and continual stoking of the fire.

Enlightenment or deep connection with divinity is ALWAYS available to us. It's not an out of reach thing "out there" at the end of a long road after jumping through all the spiritual Olympics hoops.

A true master maintains curiosity and a beginner's mind, knowing they can always go deeper.

Self-love is a daily practice that can spiral back into old patterns if not tended to with the care you would offer a garden.

Health is a journey of deep listening, temple tending and choosing "life" in whatever form that takes moment to moment. It ebbs and flows with the cycles of life like the turning tides.

Relationships move through seasons and change and evolve, just like individuals. It's an ever-unfolding dance between souls that must twist and turn with the challenges and adventures, with space to breathe, the courage to dig deeper, and commitment to growth.

Success is a state of mind. A simple perspective shift can determine whether you chase a carrot on a stick that you never reach no matter how much you achieve, or celebrate and savor each step of your journey from a place of gratitude and contentment.

Over-focusing on the destination robs us of the present moment. Its tunnel vision causes us to miss out on all the peripheral magic and mystery.

Don't fool yourself into the future pedestal trick of "once I'm there, then I can be happy." It's an illusion you can never win.

The moment is now if you dare to indulge it. Sink your teeth in and relish each moment as it arises. It is what it is, so you might as well make the most of each and every one.