Patience is a lesson earned

Patience is a lesson earned,

You cannot demand it right now.

Patience is a pathway found

Through releasing attachment to how.

Patience is learning the language of trust

When the world is falling apart.

Patience is letting go of expectation,

Surrendering to gestation.

Patience is a broken heart

That only time can mend,

The fragments that have ripped apart

That only love can tend.

Patience is a seed

Germinating in the dark,

Waiting for the moment

Its journey is meant to start.

Patience is a saguaro cactus

Inching towards the skies,

For 35 years before it flowers,

Producing long after it dies.

Patience is a sequoia cone

Waiting for destruction’s spark,

To crack its shell in golden flames,

Freeing new life to start.

Patience is the jewel in the lotus

Rising from the muck,

Transmuting darkness into gold

And timeless beauty to behold.

Patience is cascading waves

Dissolving mountains into sand,

Coming to peace with the unknown,

Releasing the need to understand.

Patience is a buried city

Lost beneath eons of change,

Waiting for the future

To uncover its sacred remains.

Patience is silence waiting to hear

The whispers from the void,

Secrets untold that can only be shared

When the mind has been destroyed.

Patience is the stories of our souls

On their sagas through Samsara,

Remembering time and time again,

Where one cycle ends, another begins.

Patience is consciousness coming home

To its original unified essence,

After eternal labyrinths of incarnation,

Illusions of form and separation.

Patience is the power to be here now,

Releasing the past and future.

Patience pierces through the illusion of time,

It’s the nature of the divine.

© Sureya Leonara

This poem came through with great patience during the 2.5 week (and counting) journey of losing my voice. Grateful for the potent medicine of patience.