Blossoming Into Balance

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom” ~Anaïs Nin

These words have been the mantra that motivates me to push my edges beyond all self-doubt, face challenges that I give myself no choice but to surmount, and fearlessly offer my gifts to the world.

There are so many reasons to play small and hide, and so many MORE reasons to blossom.

Your blossoming brings beauty, nourishment for the soul, the aroma of vitality, and inspiration to the world.

You never know whose day you might make, whose heart or mind you might open, or whose life you might change—simply by living as your fullest expression.

The freedom of authenticity will liberate your soul in a way that secluded safety never can.

Blossoming is a balance between internal gestation to fill your cup, and outward sharing to spread the love.

If you always lock your gifts inside, your well will dry up. The world will be missing out on what you’re here to offer, and your energy will stagnate.

Energy must FLOW. By GIVING, you make space to RECEIVE, to be SEEN, to fill the cups of others, to have your cup filled in return, and for your gifts to GROW through interacting with the world

Be YOU. Some people will love it. Some people will hate it. That’s life. Live yours and let everyone else do the same.

You’re here to shine and no one does it quite like you.

I’m here to hold the mirror at an angle for you to witness your own brilliance if you need.