What pieces of yourself are you cultivating to meet 2021?

2020 has been a collective rite of passage. We’re being severed from our old ways, forced to spend more time alone, & turn deep within. This journey into the darkness has the potential to be a powerful initiation, an encounter with our soul's true song, longing & purpose.

If we embrace the descent & face it with courage, we return from the underworld with clarity as to why we’re here & how we’re meant to offer ourselves in this life.

Western culture severely lacks intentional initiations through descent, leaving many of us lost without a sense of purpose or passion, or having these initiations come through on their own in surprising, often excruciating ways.

Many spiritual traditions glorify the ascent, avoiding the descent at all costs. But it's the descent into our roots, our mother, the chthonic, the unknown, that reveals that depths of our unconscious, illuminates our shadows, ripens our courage to face our fears & initiates us into our most powerful, whole selves.

These are times to journey deep within ourselves, cultivating our connection to our own soul, & our relationship with spirit. It's a time to listen carefully to inner guidance & trust its mysterious ways even if we can't understand.

This year’s limitations have been frustrating, AND they've also required me to explore new territory I may not have otherwise.

Life’s challenges are akin to a martial arts instructor who's constantly pushing my edges, calling forth my sharpest presence & forcing me to adapt, refine & level up.

This year has forced me to face some of my darkest shadows, & with that I've unearthed some of my greatest gifts. Sometimes I get kicked down & it's disheartening & exhausting, but it leads me to alchemize it into fuel for inspiration & innovation. Such is the ebb & flow of life.

Every descent into the underworld comes with a soul retrieval, a discovery of hidden gems to be offered as gifts to the world.

This is our collective descent, & we each have the responsibility to tune into the unique song of our soul we’re here to share.

Much has been out of our control this past year; how we RESPOND to it is our own creative magic to play with.

What pieces of yourself are you cultivating to meet 2021?