Relationship begins with SELF and so does sexual fulfillment.

Can I practice sacred sexuality and become multiorgamsic without a partner?

In many ways, the BEST time to begin this journey is when you’re single. Even when partnered, solo exploration is key.

To intimately know your own internal landscapes is to be able to share your depths in a much more articulate and connective way with a lover.

Relationship begins with SELF and so does sexual fulfillment.

If you're unwilling to venture into the depths of your own soul through the portal of sexuality, how will you go there with another?

If you don't feel sexy and ALIVE in your own skin, how will you unlock the profound magnetism of sacred union within or w/another?

Sacred union WITHIN is the merging of sex and love, matter and spirit, masculine and feminine. It’s a pathway to wholeness WITHIN that allows us to spill our overflowing cup into that of another, rather than needing them to complete us.

YES there’s an infinite hall of mirrors and vast expansion to be unlocked WITH a partner. They can hold keys to pieces of ourselves we haven't been able to unlock alone.

But if we aren't aware of WHERE those locks are or we lack the courage and desire to open them, we put a lot of pressure on our lover to help us open to greater depths, without having done the groundwork ourselves.

And yes, they can help us see blockages we weren’t aware of. But to go into partnership without tending the relationship with self makes things unnecessarily more difficult.

It's a gift to both yourself and your current/future lover to journey within, from the perspectives of self-awareness and self-love.

Why wait for a lover to touch you in the way you want to be touched? Why wait to offer your love to someone who has yet to come when you yourself are right here?

On the note of lasting longer: coming to know your own sexual energy is so much easier than learning its language in the presence of a lover who adds a whole other layer of arousal and complexity.

If we feel there’s something at stake, it can add unnecessary pressure and disrupt presence, an essential component of sexual mastery.

Begin now, so when someone you’re stoked on comes along, you can share intimacy with confidence and awareness.