The feminine is not passive, and neither is receptivity.

The feminine is not passive, and neither is receptivity. Have you ever gone down on someone who was passive in their receptivity?

Tell me all about how fun it was.

Or shared something personally meaningful with someone who stared off into space, utterly unengaged?

How inspired were you to connect with them again?

Passivity is neutral; it has no charge, which diminishes polarity, engagement, and becomes a one-way street.

Passivity says, “eh, I could take it or leave it.”

Is THIS how you want to receive gifts?

By receiving fully you are actually GIVING the joy of giving, and as the giver, you RECEIVE the joy of giving.

Giving & receiving are two inseparable sides of the same coin.

Passivity is a gift wasted, as it's not being fully received. When you are passive in your receptivity, you deny your giver the joy of giving.

The feminine is magnetizing, it's the pull to the masculine push; the negative charge to the positive charge that generates energy & fuels chemistry!

To receive with PRESENCE you are PARTICIPATING in a conversation—it is not a one-way street!

Receptivity is becoming an open channel through which to move energy & RESPOND to it. Let your receptivity be magnetizing & alluring in a way that entices the electric charge of giving to overflow with generous passion.

In the case of a lover, receptivity is feedback, a way to tell your lover you love what they’re doing, or need something different. It can be sexy, playful, & fun; nuanced or direct; verbal or a blend of purrrrrs & moans.

Allowing pleasure to ripple through your body as you surrender into presence & sensation is what makes the joy of giving so sweet, and allows you to fully receive & embody the gift being given.

And a gift well received will keep on giving. Open to receive & unleash your uninhibited expression.