The potency of your sexual energy is FIERCE

Men, I know your sexual energy can sometimes feel like a high powered race car that no one ever taught you how to drive. The potency of your sexual energy is FIERCE.

Untamed, it has the potential to burn down the world. Properly channeled, it FUELS the world, warms it, and ILLUMINATES it!

I know for some of you this energy can be incredibly distracting, overpowering, or challenging to navigate.

It can feel erratic and hard to control, sometimes spilling over the edge too soon, sometimes getting you into trouble, sometimes making you susceptible to manipulation, and sometimes so powerful that your own will can pale in comparison.

When people say men think with their dicks, it's kind of true... AND, it's not a bad thing!

Here's why:

Your cock is your yang positive pole within your internal circuitry that guides much of your direction. Biologically, you're wired to spread your seed and continue the human race, and therefore your sexual energy is a primal driving force for you.

What's important is that YOU are in the driver's seat, rather than IT driving YOU- being at CHOICE as to how you engage with it, with the power to hone it in your integrity and in connection with your heart, is what matters here.

When male sexual energy is harnessed with love and intention, it has the power to penetrate the darkest places with healing, loving luminosity.

This fire running through you is an enormous wellspring of innovative, action-oriented, GET SHIT DONE energy.

The power of cultivating ejaculatory CHOICE, meaning you get to choose when and IF you ejaculate, permeates every area of your life, beyond just the bedroom.

Learning how to wield the power of your wand of light with integrity, discipline and awareness has the power to heal the world.