What pieces of yourself are you allowing to die and be reborn?

What pieces of yourself are you allowing to die and be reborn on this winter solstice, the darkest day of the year, which has traditionally marked the death and rebirth of the sun?

2020 has been fking challenging. And with its limitations also comes the opportunity for growth and expansion, which is reflected by the grand conjunction between Saturn (limitation, restriction, control) and Jupiter (expansion, optimism, healing) in the skies tonight.

Limitation requires us to be innovative and adaptable, to stretch beyond our OWN limits, as well as those imposed on us, to become more resilient, capable versions of ourselves.

Limitation breeds creativity by challenging us to work within confines we may not be used to, and to simultaneously think outside the box, seeing beyond the surface-level appearance of frustration, and deeper into the underlying possibility and potential.

Both power-house planets move into Aquarius tonight, in an alignment that has not happened since the Renaissance.

Aquarius represents humanitarianism, innovation, social structures, and the collective. It ushers us into a time of supporting each other and channeling our passion and purpose into service for the Whole.

We are being initiated into a new era of massive reboot on every level. Archaic systems and outdated parts of ourselves are decaying to make room for the new to bloom.

This is a time to set clear intentions and push our edges. To step forth with courage towards the gifts we are here to offer, to shift our way of being from "me" to "we” and to completely redefine our relationship to the way we dance upon this beautiful planet we all share as our home.

Change requires letting go of what we think we know, what we're tightly gripping to, which is often blocking our vision of what's possible.

It requires a deep surrender to mystery. While our egos will kick and scream to "know" what's on the other side of these dark times, we must approach with curiosity and open-mindedness.

We must be willing to HEAR each other, EMPATHIZE and let go of our attachments to getting our own way so we can co-create a new way that supports the thriving of the COLLECTIVE.

Can we allow ourselves to have our minds blown by the unexpected beauty, strength & resilience that can be birthed through the softening of our egos and the opening of our hearts?

It's time to surrender our tight, grasping fists into open palms of offering and receptivity. What will you choose to offer in this new era? How will you open to receive the truths of others, to hear your own inner-guidance, and to stay supple and flexible during these changing tides?