Where attention goes, energy flows.

“Worrying is like praying for what you DON’T want to happen.” Where attention goes, energy flows.

Where are you putting YOUR energy?

These are times of great unknown. Regardless of what you believe is really happening during these changing tides, there is an undeniable presence of mystery, which we can either deeply fear, or lean into with curiosity & learn to trust.

Focusing on the internal sphere of influence, rather than worrying about the external sphere of concern, is essential right now.

There are so many unknown variables that are out of our control. Rather than leaking your energy by worrying about it (& therefore putting your energy into what you don’t want!), where can you put your energy towards what you DO want?

What DO you have direct influence over?

Your thoughts, words, & attitudes are constantly programming the water molecules in your body, and directly influencing the holographic universe we live in!

Every little choice you make & action you take throughout the day makes up the sum of your life experience & the influence you have.

Thoughts turn into actions, which turn into habits, which weave into character, which creates destiny.

How can you come back to center, fill your cup with things that nourish you, decrease your dependence on flawed systems & things you complain about, & make choices that support your greatest thriving, regardless of what’s going on “out there?”

((Out there is really just a reflection of IN HERE))

The outer sphere will constantly try to swallow the inner sphere through fear, stress, worry, distraction, despair, etc. The sphere you give your power to will have dominance & the weaker sphere will begin to reflect a stronger sphere.

Into which sphere will you choose to put your trust?

Be mindful of your doubts because they counteract your trust.

Come home to your truth & focus on what brings you closer to that, & it will ripple out into the external sphere of concern.

I will soon be offering an online platform to dive deep into our inner cauldrons to empower our roles as co-creators of this reality.

What are YOU working with within YOUR internal sphere of influence?