Letting our sexual energy FLOW is VITAL to our health and well-being!

Letting our sexual energy FLOW is VITAL to our health and well-being!

Our sexual energy is our qi, our life force, our vitality.

Repressing it leads to stagnancy, anger, frustration, health issues, sexual dysfunctions and so many other negative side effects.

Our sacral chakra is the home of our sexuality, creativity and emotionality, which are deeply connected to our vitality.

The element of the sacral chakra is water.

Water is LIFE. Water needs to FLOW.


Repressing our vital essence (or anything, for that matter) causes it to fester in the shadows and mutate into blockages and perversions that are often scarier than what we were trying to avoid in the first place.

Like a child being ignored, it will act out and do anything to get our attention until we give it our honest presence and receptivity.

Even if we are practicing celibacy or do not have a partner, our sexual energy needs a healthy channel through which to express.

Same with our creativity and emotions. They all go hand-in-hand.

Our sexual and emotional fluids are all WATER and there are so many ways they can move through us:

Amrita, semen, cervical fluid, saliva, moon blood, sweat, breast milk, urine, and tears are all sacred fluids that move energy through our bodies (and many of them are extremely medicinal).

They are nothing to be disgusted by. They are everything to be celebrated.

Consuming them, holding ceremonies with them, offering them as prayers to and nourishment for the earth can be transformational.

Allowing them to FLOW and EXPRESS supports our greatest VITALITY and FREEDOM.

They carry sacred codes and potent messages for our unique essence and vital wholeness.

At times, tears may be the fluid that needs to flow during love-making to move whatever is needing to move. They can be the soothing balm for hot anger and frustration, or the valve for immense grief.

No matter how and when our sacred fluids show up, they are infused with potent wisdom of the body, providing the outlet our soul needs.

Sometimes these fluids need to be moved out of the body; sometimes it’s best for them to be retained, as with non-ejaculatory orgasms with the conscious *circulation* (not withholding or repression!) of energy.

What is most important is that the way we work with them is fulfilling, revitalizing, and nourishing, rather than depleting, shameful, or repressive.

There are many ways to let our sexuality, emotionality and creativity flow outside of sex with another person:

♥︎ Self-cultivation/intentional self-pleasure practices

♥︎ Qi Gong, yoga, breathwork, and meditations that work with specific energy channels

♥︎ Dance, movement, martial arts, art, music, and creative expression of any kind

♥︎ Connecting with nature, working with the earth, being in water

♥︎ Crying, writing, or speaking your feelings

♥︎ Anything that makes you feel ALIVE and allows energy to MOVE and EXPRESS FREELY.

What makes you feel most alive and connected to your most authentic expression?