How much does size really matter?

Is x inches big enough?

What’s the ideal size? How much does size really matter? Is the color, shape & size normal?

These are some of the most common questions I receive in my DMs, & a core concern of many of my clients, especially men.

So let's shred the myth about size being the core quality sought in a male lover:

First off, the porn industry has DESTROYED people’s idea of what their genitals are supposed to look like (& what sex is "supposed” to look like, but that’s a topic for another time…)

Millions of men are terrified they’re “too small” because they're not 9+ inches like they’ve seen in porn. The average erect penis size is just over 5", which is plenty to reach the sweet spots with. Some penises grow a lot from flaccid to erect, some don’t. Either is great.

Labiaplasty is the #1 plastic surgery right now (closely followed by breast implants), because millions of women are deeply insecure that their labias don’t look like what they’ve seen in porn.

The porn industry selectively chooses a very limited display of what exists in REALITY. Genitals come in all shapes & sizes, ALL of which are BEAUTIFUL & NORMAL.

That’s right- there’s no gold standard for “normal.” Just as our facial features, coloring, & physiques all differ drastically from person to person, so do our genitals.

Your UNIQUENESS is your brilliant gift. You are the only YOU, so own every piece of who you are & what you have to offer.

Secondly, size is definitely NOT the most important quality of a lover!

It's not about your wand, but how you work it’s magic! ✨

If you lack PRESENCE, SKILL & RECEPTIVITY, you won’t be a good lover no matter how “perfect” your genitals are.

And lastly, if size is still in the way of your confidence, there ARE ways you can grow your cock size NATURALLY.