What kind of relationship do you have with your sexual energy?

What kind of relationship do you have with your sexual energy?

Is it a one-way street, paved with demands & expectations that it does what you want, right when you want?

Do you talk AT it, rather than WITH it?

Do you LISTEN & RESPOND or dominate the would-be conversation?

Do you engage it regularly or completely ignore it, or perhaps only say hello when you're in the mood?

Does it exist mostly in your head in a world of fantasy (even if your body is still in action) or is it deeply embodied in the HERE & NOW?

Whatever your responses, there's no wrong answer or shame, just simply an invitation to reflect upon how you relate with this source of MAGIC that exists within you. ✨

Sexual energy desires to be coaxed, flirted and danced with.

It's a dialogue with your life-force, and when you create space to awaken & listen to the wisdom of this primordial essence, your experience expands to include vast realms of possibility you may never have thought possible.

If our connection with our sexual energy is coming from a place of lack of presence, boredom, distraction, compulsiveness, need for a quick release, or addiction, we often miss the depth of what it has to offer by demanding what we think we want.

When we approach it with intention & curiosity, we give space for it to blossom & express beyond the confines of its usual box.

Connecting with our sexual energy isn't just a matter of being in the mood, or being fair-weather friends. It's a coming home to our original essence, the source from which we came, drawing from this deep well of wisdom & vitality and channeling it into our greatest thriving.

Within you lies a treasure trove of profound wisdom & universal codes. Do you dare to explore it by journeying a little deeper? 💫