Physical Beauty Is Subjective

What makes someone irresistibly attractive?

Porn and the media love to sell us surface-level, brainwashing bull shit when it comes to this question. Real talk though.

Physical beauty is subjective.

We could line up 100 people & choose the most attractive, & we would all choose someone different! And physical beauty only goes so far.

I find the CORE of attraction lies WITHIN, & radiates much brighter, penetrating MUCH DEEPER than the skin. Personality can literally cause a person to physically shape-shift for better or worse!

Many of my lovers have not been the "type" I envision myself as being attractive to, or the first person I would notice walking down the street.

It was the twinkle of familiarity in their eye...

The way their touch felt like home...

The way passion illuminated their every cell as they spoke about what makes them come alive...

The way our bodies wove poetry through dance...

The way their creativity sparked inspiration within me...

Feeling so seen & held in my full authenticity...

The way we erupted into laughter together...

How arousing the smell of their sweat was to me...

Seeing them in their element & swooning for their unique expression of divinity...

The way our synergy foreshadowed something profound yearning to move through us....

To name just a few...

These qualities literally made these lovers the most attractive people in the world to me, both physically & otherwise! And similarly, arrogance, aloofness, neediness, insecurity, & lack of presence, awareness & purpose have suddenly rendered visually appealing people unattractive to me.

There is such rich texture in the nuances of compatibility & attraction, & so much of it is missed when we get stuck on the surface.

What are some of the qualities you find MOST attractive in a potential lover? What makes you swoon?