Pleasure Is Our Birthright

Do you remember exploring your body as a kid, what it was like?

The curiosity and exploration that infused your touch? The blank canvas of uncharted territory of infinite rolling hills, crevasses, caverns, and textures of sensation to traverse? The beginner's mind that had no idea how this body worked or of its endless capabilities?

Did you have this with your first lover, or was there too much fear, pressure, and expectation? Or was your curiosity and intuitive navigation already shadowed by the imprints of movies and porn?

Or perhaps a sharp forbidding command or scorning glance as a child (whether you remember it or not) disrupted your ability to feel free in your self-exploration and come to intimately know your own temple.

Steeped in shame, stuffed away in silence, shattered by trauma, and without the compass of meaningful initiation into puberty and sexuality, our erotic innocence often fades into the unconscious, leaving us lost & disconnected from our primordial power.

With sex as the seed of creation, children are so close to the source- Teeming with vitality, enraptured by sensual experience, and driven by an insatiable craving to discover through touching & tasting this new world we inhabit; roaming through life without a filter in our ability to say no & express our desires.

We are not born with shame or inhibitions around pleasure or sensual expression. We have been known to self-pleasure while held in the watery womb of our mother before making our passage through her yoni and suckling on her breasts.

Pleasure is our birthright and our disconnection from it is learned through the projected pain and shame of the people imprinting our consciousness since birth. By the time we become young adults, many of us cannot even fathom the nature of our sexual essence prior to any influence from the outside world.

The Tantric path is coming home to our original essence, which is not "out there" somewhere, but rather has always been within.

Childlike innocence and curiosity are foundational to tantric love-making: exploring our sexuality and our lover with fresh eyes of wonder and playfulness, as if for the first time, every time. This is the reclaiming of our erotic innocence.

As we strip away what we think we're "supposed" to "do," we begin to come home to the intuitive awareness that has always existed within, buried under false layers of self, that can just "be”.

And from this core essence, magic unfolds. Rekindle your sense of awe for the mystery. Let the child within play and be free; their erotic innocence will guide your way.