Key To Sexual Mastery

Ever get turned on at "inappropriate" times or in situations you can't act on it and have no idea what to do with the intensity of this electric energy?

This can actually be an incredible GIFT.

This could be an attraction to a stranger, unreciprocated attraction to someone in your life, an arousing thought in public, the desire to have sex when your lover doesn't want to, etc.

Rather than letting it stagnate or aggravate through repressing it; projecting it onto people who don't want to receive it, or habitually slipping into depleting cycles of instant gratification through mindless masturbation ☞︎

Let it INSPIRE and ACTIVATE you. ☄️

An essential key to sexual mastery is reconditioning yourself to be NOURISHED by your arousal, rather than feeling like you HAVE TO ACT on it, which can even be a disempowering feeling that makes you feel powerless against your arousal.

Lust is a powerful force containing enormous energy that can be channeled into action, motivation and purpose. And I don't mean towards achieving what you're lusting after, but rather to FUEL something you're passionate about.

For example, when you breathe your turn-on throughout your entire being so it's not just localized to your genitals or spinning around in your head, it can reinvigorate your entire system and make you feel ALIVE. 🔥

You can then take this feeling of inspired vitality into your workout, creative projects, self-expression, or work.

Arousal is nothing to be ashamed of and needs to FLOW.

Breathe this life-force into the sails of your passions and watch them blossom through the charge of this primordial spark.💫