Come Home To Yourself

Sister, I know intimately that deep longing within you to be filled, to be penetrated by unwavering love and presence... That fierce desire to be loved, adored, and explored as the beautiful work of art that you are..

Do you feel your beloved falls short of this? Do you resent the masculine or your (fe)male lover for not knowing how to fill your cup?

Do you crave a lover and feel that these desires cannot be satiated without one?

Does your soul have an itch so deep it seems impossible to scratch?

My darling, I'm here to tell you that the beloved WITHIN, your relationship with divinity, the sacred union that you are MADE of, holds an infinite well of sensuous, magical nourishment if you dare to turn within and listen, if you dare to stir the nectar of your own chalice.

It is THIS connection with your divinity that you crave, that you long to be penetrated by at your very core. It's not something you can project onto your lover.

When you meet YOURSELF at this sacred well and sip of your own ambrosia, your thirst is always quenched and your cup overflowing.

The temple which houses your spirit is rich with enchanting landscapes to inspire and inner space to explore.

Courting the beloved within is the most beautiful dance, a soulful flirtation, a coaxing of the eternal into the present, where it always exists but we constantly resist.

This homecoming is a blossoming, unfolding, opening petal by petal with every breath. Seeking melts into remembrance. Striving dissolves into allowing. Chasing fades into receiving.

All stories of resistance collapse into the now and the warmth of this beating heart and breathing belly are all that remains as life pulses between spirit and flesh.

This inner wholeness is always here, asking you to turn towards it and say yes. Longing for you as you long for it.

This ache in your heart is the beloved within calling you home to yourself.

Will you answer the call?