Do you lack clarity around your mission and purpose?

A common theme I see in my clients (particularly men) who struggle to harness the power of their sexual energy is a lack of clarity around mission and purpose.

Without this, there is no sense of direction. There is no solid core of meaning from which to guide our actions.

Without focus and clarity of direction, energy becomes scattered because there is no defined channel for it to build and flow through.

Direction and structure are necessary for refinement and flow of energy.

They help cultivate decisiveness, empowered choice, and self-responsibility.

Having a well-developed sense of mission and purpose, and the discipline to bring it forth, can help us to cultivate refinement and choice in how we work with our sexual energy.

Is your sexual energy elusive or erratic, something that seems to have control over you? Do you feel at the cause or the effect of it?

It's the difference between fire being contained and channeled to create warmth and fuel, vs running wild and burning down the village.

Harnessing the immense power of your sexual energy supports your mission and purpose, and your effectiveness in carrying it out. And likewise, commitment to your mission and purpose reinforces the way you wield your sexual energy.

I view purpose as a combination of what makes you come alive + service to the world.

Are you clear in what that is for you? Are your work and mission aligned, or is your work just a job that doesn't light you up?

Can you find a way to offer what INSPIRES you as a gift to the world?

If a sense of purpose has been challenging for you to find, we do a deep dive into this in my men's course, Vital Cockfidence.