Vulnerability is the way of the warrior of love

What does it take to make multidimensional soul-stretching love that connects you to all that is and allows you to merge into sacred union with your beloved?

VULNERABILITY. This is an essential doorway to the depths of the heart and soul that cannot be bypassed if you want to feel your divinity through love-making.

No ego games. No hiding. No scratching the surface.

No using each other for mutual masturbation to go on your own disconnected journeys.

Vulnerability requires immense COURAGE. In this society, we've often equated vulnerability with weakness.

Vulnerability means woundable.

Is a warrior who makes themselves vulnerable to attack for fighting what they believe in or protecting their people weak?

Is being confident and centered enough in yourself to be willing to expose the raw truth of who you are, even if it may be criticized or rejected, weak?

Is facing your wounds and opening up about them to a beloved so they can be healed through your union and love weak?

It takes infinitely more courage to open ourselves, to express our truth, to make ourselves known, than it does to cower behind our walls.

Vulnerability is the way of the warrior of love.

It is essential to unlock our full potential in the context of love and relationship. The trust and transparency created through vulnerability allow a seamless, wordless language to flow between the bodies and souls of lovers, opening a vessel for healing, magic and divine union.

A closed heart will block the depths that sexual energy can touch. An open heart allows love and sex to dance in a way that can bring you home to source and remind you you've never actually been separate.

Yes, baring your heart and soul can be dangerous. It can be painful. But the only way around it is through it, and ultimately, someone always gets hurt in love, if only eventually by death.

The question is: would you rather have loved and lost than never loved at all?

Would you rather take the risk that holds the keys to your transformation and embodiment of wholeness, or submit to your fears and play small throughout the course of this precious life you live?

I hope you choose Love.