Our Bodies Function With Great PURPOSE

How many times have you been frustrated with your body, cock, or pussy for not doing what you wanted it to do in the moment?

In the same way that pain and illness are messengers, alerting us that something is out of balance or needs attention, sexual "dysfunctions" serve to bring awareness to something deeper going on, within ourselves or in our connection to our lover, if we know how to read the signs.

I’m a huge believer that our greatest obstacles are pathways to our most potent breakthroughs.

They push us to look deeper than we would otherwise, and if we choose to move through the challenge with an open mind and courage, there are often hidden gems buried beneath.

If our body is not responding in a way that allows us to sexually connect, it doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong with us.

More often than not, it's the wisdom of the body, cock, or pussy having our back by working EXACTLY how they're supposed to.

Let me explain☞︎ The body is a window to the unconscious mind and is highly perceptive to blockages our conscious mind may not be aware of. Physical reality is the densest layer of existence and so everything manifests here last.

For example, having a closed heart can result in heart attacks. Not speaking our truth can lead to a sore throat or losing our voice.

Struggling to connect sexually with a lover usually stems from a deeper layer of disconnection- emotionally, communication-wise, lack of presence & receptivity, etc.

Feeling disempowered with a lover or in another area of life can cause Premature Ejaculation, because it’s a manifestation of feeling out of control in life, and therefore, with your life-force.

Ejaculation Disorders can be a result of (possibly unconscious) resistance to sharing intimacy with your lover, as well as a lack of trust.

Not being able to get wet can mean you're not ready yet and need a deeper connection or more time; the context isn't right; your yoni is protecting you from receiving this lover inside of you for some reason, etc.

These are important signals to listen to. Our bodies are complex masterpieces that function with great PURPOSE.