Fulfillment Is An Inside Job

Fulfillment is an inside job.

It's a willingness to be raptured by each moment, to say YES to the is-ness of the now, TASTING and SAVORING its flavor no matter how bitter or sweet.

It's an opening to curiosity, receiving what each moment has to offer. The sacred, the profane, the mundane; they are one and the same.

The sacred lives within ALL things...

Can you embrace it in all of its forms? Can you humble to the reflection that each permutation reveals as an aspect of YOU?

Try massaging that tension in your body from the inside out with your breath, really allowing yourself to feel it, allowing your body to self-nourish through movement and presence.

That uncomfortable conversation you need to have? Lean into it. Taste the awkward. Open to the opportunity this conflict has to offer.

That pile of dirty dishes? Allow your hands to luxuriate in the hot water. Steep yourself in gratitude for the clean water available to you on tap. Sing a song, let your hips sway, appreciate your reflection in the window or the scenery just past it. Allow it to be a digestive meditation.

That overwhelming arousal when you don't have anyone to share it with? Light some candles, burn some incense, put on your favorite sexy beats, melt some coconut oil, and let those hands slowly, luxuriously, sensually, curiously caress and explore that beautiful earthship of yours. Offer YOURSELF the same affection you would to a lover.

Breathe and enjoy.

Self-satiation always lies within, patiently awaiting our engagement. What you crave exists in an infinite well inside of you.

Turn towards it and quench your thirsty lips. Let it trickle all the way down to your hips.

Do you know how beautiful you are?