Are You Giving Your Power Away?

Why do certain people & situations drain you?

What if I told you you might be unconsciously consenting to people & situations that leak your energy?

It’s easy to say “this person is draining me, this job is sucking my life force, my partner is holding me back, etc.,” but do you see where the blame is being placed on the other person rather than taking a look at how we’re *allowing* these dynamics to occur?

Subtle shifts in our language geared towards ownership can have profound effects on our energetic sovereignty.

When we take a closer look into where we’re allowing unhealthy dynamics & interactions into our field, we can make a conscious choice to engage these situations differently.

Often these energy leaks hook into our field due to lack of boundaries & people-pleasing tendencies.

If someone’s draining us, it’s because we’re abandoning our own needs in order to appease a type of interaction that doesn’t feel good to us. It’s our responsibility to redirect the energy, draw boundaries & a clear container for the relationship, & stay centered in our own truth & frequency.

When you notice yourself feeling drained by someone, ask yourself what you need for the dynamic to feel fulfilling, & express & tend to those needs, rather than expecting the other person to read your mind & act differently.

You get to be the architect of the conversation and the relationship dynamic. All relationships are co-created, so pay attention to the role you’re playing.

Saying someone else is holding us back is a cop out that allows us to play small in our comfort zone. It’s a displacement of responsibility that lets us off the hook but keeps us trapped in the story that it’s the other person’s fault.

When we get really honest with ourselves and become aware of how we’re contributing to a dynamic, we gain the power and clarity to create fulfilling relationships from a place of intentional choice.