The Beauty of Boundaries

One of the most empowering breakthroughs in how I relate with men was realizing how I was unconsciously creating undesirable interactions.

Some women attract unwanted male attention, but on some level, it feeds their self-worth and a part of them that likes it. They leave their energy field open to interactions they don’t consciously want, but unconsciously feed on.

OR, they’re so conditioned to be polite, pleasing and appeasing that they feel more comfortable abandoning their own needs, rather than hurting someone’s feelings. This conditioning runs deeeeep, especially for women.

I used to experience both. Part of me that was flattered by the attention and part of me didn’t know I didn’t need a reason to say no, felt rude for turning someone down, and felt obligated to appease them in some way.

Since becoming aware of these unconscious patterns and learning to cultivate a sense of self-worth from within, I’ve learned to run my energy in a way that doesn’t attract unwanted attention; my field is impermeable to certain types of approaches & men feel it.

They may still approach respectfully, but it’s very rare that I’m approached with grasping, abrasive, or disrespectful energy. There’s no opening for them to penetrate in this way.

I’m now less vulnerable and more empowered because I’m aware of unconscious signals I was giving and am able to fully trust myself and my boundaries.

This doesn’t require me to dress more modestly, put up walls against men, or play small. I express myself fully without giving off the “wrong” message bc I’m clear and congruent within my field.

I’m *not* saying this makes it impossible to be violated, or that if you’re violated a part of you wanted it, but I *am* saying that consciously working with your energy field is very supportive in preventing unwanted interactions.

The way we respect ourselves commands the same level of respect from those around us. Our boundaries are examples & instructions to teach others how to love us best.

Cultivating energetic sovereignty has transformed the type of relationships I hold space for and closed up energy leaks I didn’t even know I was allowing to drain me. If you desire to do the same, check out my online course, The Art of Transmutation.