Your Truth Is Not for Everyone

It’s been said the only thing you’ll lose by being real is something fake.

Every bold post I make, I lose followers who are not in alignment, and I gain followers who are in deep resonance, and I love this.Every word of truth that drips from my lips sifts through all the noise and offers clarity on who loves me for me, rather than who they want me to be.

Those who don't respect your truth are not the people you need to focus your energy towards. Respect doesn’t mean you have to agree; it means you accept someone as they are, even if you don’t like it.

You don't have to keep following them if you're not about it, and you also don't have to shut them out if you don't agree on everything!

Keeping it real goes both ways. Openness and curiosity paired with discernment and honesty go a long way.

When you embrace the inevitable fact that not everyone will like you, you see that your authenticity is a filter that brings those who are in alignment with you closer.

When you mask your truth by telling someone what they want to hear, you dilute the charge of the relationship.

You’re offering a bland, watered down version of yourself, rather than the unique delicacy that you are, which will deeply nourish and inspire some, while offending and disgusting others.

It’s a fool’s errand to try to suit everyone’s palette.

Keeping it real is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and others in a world where unmasked authenticity has become a rare gem in a world starved of genuine connection.