The Power of Personal Truth

Truth is an unwavering frequency that resonates at the core of who you are. It’s your inner compass or north star that you can trust to guide you into alignment, even if the journey is messy or if the truth presents as unpalatable.

Truth is a profound inner-knowing that integrates with the whole of who you are, even if you can’t see the whole puzzle.

Like a buried treasure, truth can elude you for years under the layers of a lifetime of programming, conditioning, trauma and indoctrination by your family, culture, religion, the media, education systems, and society, which color and cloud your lens, shaping the way you see the world.

You may catch glimmers of it throughout the course of your life, only to be punished, shamed, ridiculed, or ostracized for it, or to follow its thread and find it leads you to exactly where you need to be. You may feel it as this undeniable pull towards what just feels “right,” even if its implications feel terrifying.

Truth will often ask you to shed skins of identity, stories, masks and beliefs that were never really yours, but which you acquired from the external world. Learning to find your truth is a deeply internal process of peeling back the layers and following the breadcrumbs home to your center.

It requires getting quiet and contemplative so you can hear the voice of your own soul, which sometimes speaks in whispers so soft and cryptic, and other times with undeniable clarity that billows through your entire being.

It’s not a matter of the mind, but rather reverberates in the song of the heart. It may seem completely illogical but somehow just feels right.

Truth stands unwavering in the face of many tests that try to challenge it.

Your truth will not express in the exact same language as anyone else’s because no two vantage points of consciousness are the same, but it’s your responsibility to live your life authentically and honestly and to let others do the same.

As the wise Sufi poet Rumi wrote, “The lamps are different, but the light is the same.”

Your truth will never lead you astray. It may lead you through some of the most powerful, intense initiations of your life, but it will always guide you home to yourself.