Conscious or Unconscious, You Create Your Reality

Ever secretly enjoyed something you complain about?

Maybe you even enjoyed complaining about it.

Your relationship drama that you can’t wait to tell your friends about.

That “unconscious” idiot in the seething comments thread of a politics post that you can’t slop obliterating with your wokeness.

That co-worker who drives you crazy but you can’t stop talking about them.

That person who has something you want and you have so many judgments about it.

Being broke and all the excuses that come along with it.

Wanting to lose weight but the bedtime milk and cookies are just too good and there’s not enough time for anything but fast food.

The high of conflict, the high of getting offended, the high of feeling wronged, the high of “unwanted” attention, the high of gossip, the high of drama, the high of struggle.

Ohhhh these glorious, insidious highs.

While we may *consciously* really *not* want these things, our unconscious mind secretly loves and feeds on them.

We’re often afraid of the defeats that lie on the path to success, and these dramas serve as (sometimes preemptive) scapegoats when things don’t go as we hoped.

It’s easier to blame something else for holding us back, rather than taking responsibility for it.

These unconscious habits serve as a crutch that enables us to play small rather than, forging more meaningful pathways in life, fully embodying our brilliance, or risking failure or heartache after giving something our all.

Indulging these dramas is a distraction that diffuses our focus and squanders our energy that could instead be channeled towards actualizing our potential.

And until we reveal the part of us that actually likes these treacherous life circumstances, we will continue feeding them our energy, and receiving cheap highs in return.

It’s been said “be careful what you say and think because an unconscious wizard is a wizard nonetheless.”

Where attention goes, energy flows.

Once we make the unconscious conscious, we can take ownership of where we’re creating and attracting more of these “unwanted” circumstances, and consciously change them.

Through coming to know ourselves intimately, inside and out, shadow and light, we become conscious creators of our reality.