Your Body IS a Wonderland

How might you feel about your body had no one ever programmed you otherwise?

No one comes out of the womb hating their body- it’s a learned behavior.

I grew up hating my legs, simply because my mom hated hers, which surely she learned from somewhere as well.

I grew up feeling fat and ugly bc my super skinny friends made fun of me for having buck teeth, being curvy and having a butt. They told me, “don’t worry, you’ll be pretty one day,” when I was the last of them to have a boyfriend.

I was so ashamed of my body and the fact that my friend told me I couldn’t dance, I wouldn’t even dance alone in my room.

Fast forward to today and you’d hardly recognize me or believe this was my past.

I still feel insecure sometimes about various programmed “imperfections:” one eyebrow sits lower than the other, my eyes are asymmetrical, my nipples and breasts are different sizes, my hips and ribs are crooked, my thighs have cellulite…

And you know what?

None of it matters. Because overall, I still FEEL beautiful INSIDE AND OUT.

The human body is a masterpiece, complete with countless “imperfections,” that are all part of being HUMAN.

Bodies aren’t symmetrical and that’s part of their beauty.

How did I get to this point, despite my past poor body image?


Your body is made of water & is programmed by everything you think and say! Your body will reflect your hatred towards it. I've literally watched my body transform to reflect my love and adoration.


❦ Exploring forms of dance and movement that made me feel STRONG, SENSUAL and VITAL (belly dance was a key factor in my body-love journey).

❦ Cultivating SELF-LOVE (which is a constant journey, not a destination)

❦ Tending my body like the TEMPLE it is, eating in reverence to and nourishment of this sacred space, not from a place of deprivation, but from HONOR.

❦ LISTENING to my body; this one is HUGE. Resting when needed, trusting its intuition, nourishing it with what it’s asking for.

❦ GRATITUDE for my body’s incredible RESILIENCE & EVERYTHING it does for me.

❦ FORGIVENESS for the times I've not honored my temple.

You’re beautiful JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.