What's in the way?

What’s in the way?

This is one of the most important questions we can ask ourselves when seeking to embody our fullest potential.

Through the lens of Tantra, there is not some version of ourselves existing on a future pedestal somewhere “out there” that we need to do x, y, and z to become.

That version of us already exists within, and always has. It is our true, original essence.

All we need to “do” is strip away the false layers of “self” that have been piled on top of us throughout the course of our lives, in the form of programming, religion, projections, traumas, belief systems, etc.

Anything that is not truly “ours.” All we need to “do” is come home to the truth of who we are underneath it all, and just BE our own unique, authentic essence.

So how do we do that?

Start by asking the question “What’s in the way?”

What’s in the way of living my full potential?

Expressing myself honestly and whole-heartedly?

Making my dreams reality?

Offering my gifts to the world?

Sustaining healthy, nourishing relationships?

Making love with my whole heart and soul?

Falling deeply in love with myself and giving myself all the TLC I deserve?

Shining my light without inhibitions, and loving my shadows just the same?

Identify what’s in the way and let it guide you back to the truth underneath. Awareness is 90% of the solution. ✨💛✨