His orgasm doesn't have to be the finale

How many of you consider his ejaculation to be the end of sex?

His orgasm doesn't have to be the finale. And no one's orgasm determines the "success" of sex.

How many of you see intercourse as sex itself, or the pinnacle of sex?

We are conditioned to approach sex in very linear ways, with intercourse and his ejaculation often seen as "the point" that we're building towards. (Oh and hopefully she gets to have an orgasm as well.)

This way of thinking severely narrows what's possible in our sexual experience, because sex is so much bigger than this!

It can create goal-oriented tunnel vision, block us from soaking up the peripheral saucyness, and create routine sex that starts to feel mechanical & lackluster.

Not only this, but it can act as premature punctuation to sex. (Stay tuned for more on this). Unless both people feel complete (which doesn't necessarily depend on orgasm), then his orgasm as the usual finale can start to make sex feel unfulfilling.

There are many ways to avoid this pitfall, one of the huge ones being seminal retention and non-ejaculatory orgasms.

Seminal retention is simply the ability to withhold ejaculation to be able to last much longer.

Non-ejaculatory orgasms make it possible for you to orgasm many times without losing your wood or having a refractory period.

This allows you to last much longer, stay present with your lover, and be at full choice as to when and IF you ejaculate so you can be sure to end on a high note for both of you, which may or may not involve orgasm, but most importantly, feels deeply fulfilling & connective for both people.

Over-focusing on orgasm is like not being present with a delicious 5-course meal because you're obsessing over dessert.

Tasting every piece of the journey makes for a much enriching experience!