How long is "long enough?"

What qualifies as premature ejaculation?

How long is "long enough?"

There are several key factors that play into this, and time isn't the biggest one, though it is important.

The average man comes in 1-3 minutes, while the average woman takes at least 15-20 minutes, & even 40+ minutes for her ENTIRE system to become aroused, which leads to even more deeply fulfilling experiences.

This means that it's essential for men to build their stamina and luxuriate in lots of delicious foreplay if they want to make sure their lover is satisfied long-term (and there's plenty she can do on her own to deepen her own pleasure, as well as helping him last longer. This is a two-way street, more on this later).

While there's clearly a huge discrepancy with time here, it's not just the amount of time that matters. This is much more of a QUALITATIVE matter, rather than a quantitative one.

She wants to feeeeel you. Not just with her pussy but with her entire body, heart and soul.

She wants to know you're right. here. with. HER.

Not off in your head in a world of anxiety. Not fantasizing. Not obsessively thinking about not coming too soon... But PRESENT.

Savoring every luscious moment, every texture, every flavor. In your body.

In your heart. Making love to her with all you've got, rather than checked out or on autopilot.

Listening. Receiving. Communicating-- not just verbally, but kinesthetically, energetically, soulfully.

PE happens when you're not at choice as to if & WHEN you come, regardless of the minutes or hours that have passed.

The ejaculatory choice is a matter of consciously concluding lovemaking when both people feel complete.