Giving Your Power Away

Giving your power away is one of the most common roots of premature ejaculation, as well as squashing polarity/sexual attraction.

It's a common pitfall of "the nice guy," in which his life, partner job, or friends sucking him dry manifests physically and literally, zapping his life force and leaving him depleted, and his lover underwhelmed.

Who is "the nice guy" and could he be you? See my previous post (and remember this can apply to women as well).

Our sexual energy is our vitality, our creative essence, the energy we create life and everything else with.

When we bend over backward to please and appease at the expense of ourselves, in ways that aren't in alignment with our own needs and desires, we become at the effect of life, rather than the cause.

When life feels out of control, so does our sexual energy and our ability to channel it.

When we are disconnected from our truth and our power to choose, draw boundaries, say no, ask for what we want, and prioritize self-care, we leak our energy and create invitations for people to take advantage and walk all over us. We can become "whipped" and easily manipulated.

When we are not strong in ourselves and become diluted by trying to shape-shift to appease others, polarity is impossible because we're not carrying a strong charge, which is necessary for magnetism and the generation of energy/chemistry.

This applies to all genders, and in men specifically it can often result in premature ejaculation.

Being 100% authentically YOU is essential to how you navigate your sexual energy because sexual energy is what you're MADE OF.

So if you're not being true to YOUR ORIGINAL ESSENCE, you're disconnected from SOURCE, and therefore unable to navigate it effectively in the bedroom or anywhere else.

You do you. The rest will follow.