Nurture Your Love; Breathe New Life Into Your Relationship

How many of you lovers out there feel like you're together 24/7 but not sharing enough quality time?

With not as much to do out there in the world these days, I've been seeing a lot of relationships starting to stagnate, polarity starting to dwindle, sauciness fading into staleness.

A common pattern in relationships, especially with partners who live together, is that even though we're around each other often, a lot of this time spent is in passing, not intentional, not particularly nourishing.

This can give the illusion that we're spending plenty of time together and therefore don't need more of it, yet something seems unfulfilling.

It's not about quantity, but the QUALITY, especially if quality time is one of your love languages (it's definitely one of mine!)

A short drop-in of deep, connective presence is far more satiating than lots of time here, lots of time there, meandering in no particular direction, lacking richness and purpose.

Creating a container for deepening your connection is essential, especially during these times of being holed up together for the winter!

Limitation asks of us to be creative, to try new things, to work with what we have. Lack of novelty asks us to go DEEPER, lest we wish to suffocate in the perceived monotony of the mundane.

Are you yearning to breathe new life into your relationship?

If you are hungry for change, inspired to create a life you love, and committed to deep transformation, give yourselves the gift of embarking on a journey of self-discovery and profound loving that will entice you into the most liberating, fulfilling relationship you can imagine.