Listen To Your Body

Our greatest obstacles are pathways to our full potential.

Pain and illness are oracles for the evolution of our souls. This is the greatest gift I've received in working through chronic illness with Tantra.

Many spiritual traditions discount the body as an illusion. Tantra sees the body as an essential vessel of our awakening. It focuses on EMBODIMENT & EMBRACING the human experience, with the awareness that the material realm is only part of the whole of "reality," rather than discounting it as an illusory hell that needs to be transcended.

Our bodies are masterpiece temples, incredible Earthships through which our spirits are blessed with the experience of coming to know the Whole through the reflection of "other." Our journey as humans gifts us the opportunity to recognize the sacred in everything & come home to our innate wholeness and unity.

Rejecting the body and the material realm is a rejection of the feminine, a denial of an essential piece of ourselves.

Our bodies let us know when something is out of alignment. We've been conditioned to reject pain and feel frustrated when our bodies aren't working as they "should." But pain and illness are the body's way of communicating that something needs attention, and the body is a brilliant map to the unconscious, where many blockages are rooted.

We live in a time of rampant chronic illness, especially amongst young people. I see this as happening for several core reasons:

The spirit gets too far ahead of or disconnected from the body.

This can happen from trauma; falling asleep into life's distractions; neglecting self-care in a frenzy of inspiration or life's demands, or moving at a speed that the body simply cannot keep up with (technology has drastically increased what can be accomplished in a day, and has developed faster than our bodies have had time to evolve with.) We resist releasing expired patterns whose time has come to transform.

Many of us are operating through unhealthy programs in our belief systems, self-care, sexuality, relationships, sense of purpose, sustenance, connection to the earth, etc. If we resist the necessary growth to shed skins that are causing us to stagnate, illness can be a powerful wake-up call to embrace change.

Our bodies are reflecting the state of our planet and humanity's disconnection to it.

We live in an increasingly toxic world and as a species live parasitically on this planet, which is NOT our true nature as a keystone species. Illness reflects to us where we are out of alignment with the whole and causing disharmony.

Sometimes when we're not able to see what changes are needed, or lack the will to make them from a place of choice, life serves us challenges that give us no choice but to surrender to the changing tides. The more willingly we flow with them and heed their wisdom, rather than fight against them, the more graceful our transformation can be.

Allow your body to be the map for what's the way of living your full potential.

Chronic illness brought me into this work, my life's passion and purpose. Although I still get frustrated with my healing process at times, Tantra has given me the gift of honoring and listening to my body in a way I never had before and the practices to awaken and nourish it.

It helped me to see each obstacle as an opportunity, and to transmute them into medicine for the evolution of my soul, in the form of intuition, compassion, patience, courage, resilience, acceptance, empowerment, surrender, and trust.

Every piece of your journey is a sacred compass home to wholeness.