Self-Responsibility is a Catalyst for Change

When you’re radically self-responsible, you are a co-creator of your reality, not a victim of it.

When you stop pointing blame for why your life or the world is the way it is, you reclaim your power and ability to *choose.*

When you’re deeply rooted in your sovereign truth, you are truly unfuckwithable.

You’re not swayed by the judgments and opinions of others. You’re not afraid to say the wrong thing or be canceled.

You’re not able to be guilted, shamed, manipulated or coerced into *anything.*

How would your relationships shift if every conversation you had came from this deeply connected place of self-trust and clarity, with the ability to respect the same in others?

How would the choices you make transform if there were no longer pressure to conform, be approved of, or even be liked?

Where would you stop playing small?