The Art of Feeling It All

Unlocking your potential is dependent upon your capacity to be with high sensation; to get real comfortable with being uncomfortable.

While most people shut down, become avoidant, or explode in the presence of high sensation, conditioning yourself to be able to stay present with and channel this intensity will unlock infinite possibilities.

Sometimes our nervous systems go into overwhelm and short circuit in the face of such intensity, often even in opposition to what we consciously desire.

For example:

Conflict is high sensation. It's intense, awkward, and uncomfortable. Most people go into fight, flight, freeze or fawn, either exploding, becoming avoidant, freezing in silence, or suppressing their truth and people-pleasing.

But what happens when you can lean in to the discomfort with curiosity, deeply anchored in your body and connected to your breath?

Herein lies the opportunity for greater understanding, connection, trust, solutions, and harmony.

Sexual pleasure tends to build and move towards ejecting from the body, or can even build too much too fast and short circuit into numbness.

But what happens when you can relax and expand your capacity for pleasure, circulating it with the breath?

This is the pathway to more profound states of pleasure, connection, and spiritual experiences.

Spending, receiving and having large amounts of money can be extremely high sensation. Even though we may consciously want more money, our nervous system may not know how to handle it.

Many people will blow their load when they reach a threshold that’s beyond their current capacity for sensation, or unconsciously manifest unexpected expenses to keep them playing within their range of familiarity.

When you can really be with all the intensity and expand your capacity to give, receive and hold large amounts of energy, monetary and otherwise, you move beyond scarcity and into abundance.

Being unapologetically yourself is high sensation. So is not being liked. As is being adored and respected by a lot of people.

Imagine what happens when you live as your uninhibited self and don’t let what others think throw you off center.

Being willing to FEEL and MOVE WITH this intensity expands our horizons and activates a full-spectrum HD experience of reality and the way we play the game of life.

It's what empowers me to express myself so freely in the public eye; navigate challenges constructively; transmute pain into pleasure; and invest in myself and receive abundantly for my work.

Uncomfortable situations in life are rich with opportunity to level up in every way possible; your capacity to sink your teeth into them even when their juices are sour will shape the course of your life and determine whether you live a life of short-term comforts or legendary greatness.